News and Events at MUSEOBENINI — Museo Benini

Marble Falls High School art students

The Marble Falls High School art students arrive at Museo Benini, our first school tour of 2024, visit with Benini and tour the galleries and sculptures outdoors. The student to the right, dressed in black, is our valuable intern, Elin Gosselink.

“Two Maestros”
Pictures at an Exhibition
The Central Texas Philharmonic
Georgetown, Texas
September 24, 2023

Maestro Stefan Sanders curated 75 paintings by Benini (from 1970 to current time) and synchronized them with Modest Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition, presenting a blend of art and music in a one-time performance in Georgetown, Texas at the Klett Center for the
Performing Arts.

“The fusion of stunning visuals and the enchanting Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition transported us to a realm of artistic wonder,” noted Charlotte Barbini, Vice President of the CTP. “It was unforgettable.”

Plein Air Painters working all day followed by Benini Question and Answers in the Museum April 25th

April 25th 10-6

10:00 to 4:00
You are invited to the annual HLCA Paint Out as 33 plein air artists paint throughout the ranch.

After the plein air painters have put their brushes away for the day, Benini
will meet the artists and guests for Q and A in the museum.

Everyone welcome, always free of charge at Museo Benini.

There is an art to painting outdoors.

   Painting outdoors offers the pleasure of working in the midst of Mother Nature. It also brings its share of challenges. Light and reflections are constantly changing,  as leaves, water, and flowers are in motion, To work “en plein air” or in the open air, as John Singer Sargent and Claude Monet, to name only two, chose to do has intrigued artists through the years.

 On April 25th, 33 renown plein air painters will set up easels outdoors at Museo Benini and paint canvases that will be exhibited for sale the following Friday at the Lakeside Pavilion on the Colorado River in Marble Falls.

 The Highland Lakes Creative Arts, a non-profit organization of artists and arts lovers in the Marble Falls area have organized events from April 23rd through April 29th centered around this annual Paint the Town event.

The  VIP reception and exhibition Friday night (a ticketed event)  features the completed works  of 33 painters  and will reveal the 2023 winners as selected by Judge Charlie Hunter, ( as well as sculpture by three renown sculptors,  live music, refreshments and live auction excitement.


For more information visit Highland Lakes Creative Arts at or send an email to

The Peaceable Kingdom arrives from California.

The Peaceable Kingdom returns….

In 1982, Benini painted this 8 ft. x 8 ft. painting entitled The Peaceable Kingdom: A Tribute to Brother Hicks.

He was living on the shores of Lake Harney, on the north-flowing St. John’s River, northeast of Orlando. It is the only one he painted with a grouping of animals. The leopard with its rosettes (what is commonly called its spots) was a special challenge, and so…. one rose above, two birds and eight animals on a deep blue background became his rendition related to the Isaiah 11:6 verse.

This verse, in the King James version, speaks that the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together….various revisions abound, but the theme being that peace will exist throughout the kingdom with animals at peace with each other…and it is the theme that Edward Hicks, a Quaker repeated in his paintings again and again.

Edward Hicks (1780-1849), an Aries like Benini, was born in Pennsylvania, and became a minister of the Society of Friends. He painted 62 paintings of the harmonious Peaceable Kingdom, one example follows.

Benini’s Peacheable Kingdom was still on the easel when his collector Sheila Martin Stone flew in from California, purchased it, and added it to her large collection of Benini’s work. A gracious and generous lady, Sheila Martin Stone, died last year, and knowing, MuseoBenini is established as a single-artist museum, her will specified the painting be returned to the museum, where it will be on display. Our appreciation to her and to World Air and Ocean Services of San Francisco for the safe crating and delivery to MuseoBenini.

Slow Art Tours Continue during covid times...small groups given time for contemplation...

Slow Art Tours Continue during covid times...small groups given time for contemplation...

The museum is 6500 square feet so social distancing is not a problem. Here a friend views Quant e’ Bella Giovenezza by Benini. 48” wide by 78” tall, one of the rare pieces he completed in tones of pinks…..hand blended with a center of blended golds….to the right of the painting is Benini’s divertimenti entltled, Susanna and the Elders.

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OLLI Tour October 17, 2019

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

Olli Tour.jpg

OLLI is a continuing education program at Texas Tech University. No tests, no grades, no research papers - just intellectual stimulation.

Open to everyone 50 year of age and older. For information, contact

Katy Hodgkins preparing to create her sculpture of stacked stones. No mortar.

Katy Hodgkins creates her sculpture made of stacked stones

Cheryl Quallenberg, director of the Llano Earth Art Fest, home of the World Rock Stacking Championship, watches Katy carefully place limestone and pre-cambrain rock pieces to build her sculpture, "Filter" at MUSEOBENINI.

Cheryl Quallenberg, director of the Llano Earth Art Fest, home of the World Rock Stacking Championship, watches Katy carefully place limestone and pre-cambrain rock pieces to build her sculpture, "Filter" at MUSEOBENINI.

Katy Hodgkins rebuilding her sculpture at MUSEOBENINI. Katy is represented by Lisa Butler Fine Arts. She currently lives in Texas.

Katy Hodgkins rebuilding her sculpture at MUSEOBENINI. Katy is represented by Lisa Butler Fine Arts. She currently lives in Texas.